Thursday, 5 June 2008

Confronting Cancer

Wednesday June 4, 2008

Confronting cancer


Radio is not always about music. Frequently our FM and AM stations come up with interesting interviews that leave listeners richer in knowledge about a particular subject or issue. Last Thursday was one such example.

The topic for the day was on a disease that, despite the existence of many advances in contemporary medicine on how to treat it; still sends shivers down most of our spines.

Cancer – and debunking the myths surrounding the dreaded disease – was the hot subject on the Red Morning Breakfast Show on RedFM. It came on immediately after the 8am news. The fact that the radio station operated by The Star decided to talk about the topic – rather than try and shy away from it – was a big plus point.

Also, choosing to air the 30-minute live interview during the rush hour period was another praiseworthy effort. Think of the sheer numbers of people caught in the morning traffic jams that day that were educated as a result of the programme!

The fitting guest on the Red Breakfast was Dr Saunthari Somasundaram. She is executive director of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia.

The interview was held in conjunction with a special cancer awareness event called “Relay for Life” that transpired over the last weekend in Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Saunthari spoke to Red Breakfast's hosts Shaz and Will. The exercise succeeded in uncovering many myths about cancer. These included whether microwavable plastic containers, wearing tight undergarments or living under power lines can cause cancer. It was a relief to know that the answers to those questions were negative!

She also exposed other facts, such as the importance of early cancer detection in order to treat the disease; as well as the disturbing statistics that “some 15 Malaysian women develop breast or cervical cancer every day.”

Sadly, as many as 50 percent of them will die if the disease is not detected during its early stages of development, she said.

Dr Saunthari, however, was also quick to caution that being diagnosed with cancer does not mean that the person who has the condition has been dealt a death sentence. Stressing on early detection again, she explained how it can make a big difference for all cancer patients.

The mood that morning then took on a lighter vein during the second part of the hour. Will and Shaz ran their popular “Red Morning Genius” contest segment which is designed to provide listeners with a good laugh.

Queen Elizabeth (voiced by Will) and Dolly the Sheep (by Shaz) then battled against each other in a trivia contest, which listeners can hear daily at 8.30am on the weekday show. The make-believe weekly “winner” is decided by listeners. They have to judge the daily performance of the “special contestants” in an SMS-poll conducted through the week.

Incidentally, it was the pet sheep that triumphed last week on the Red Breakfast because the questions, needless to say, were all animal-related.

Hurry, if you are reading this early this morning, you might be able to catch today's instalment!

  • Despite living in the cyber age, the writer insists that radio still provides a unique window on the world. When he isn't scanning bandwidths, he helps to raise awareness of positive living with pets through his organisation, Petpositive (Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association).

  • Note: This article was listed at No 5 under the MOST VIEWED and at No 2 under the MOST EMAILED section of The Star on Wednesday - when the article came out. aNt

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