Thursday, 26 June 2008

Noon Delight

Wednesday June 25, 2008

Noon delight


AMANDA is the deejay you want if you are interested in winding down your afternoons with great music.

Whether upbeat tunes, funky rhythms or just jolly strains – Amanda Suriya Ariffin does not disappoint.

She signs in promptly on CAPITAL fm on weekdays. You can hear her from 3pm until 7pm, on a show called CAPITAL Drive.

I caught the former WOWfm and Flyfm deejay during a traffic jam on a particularly gloomy, wet and stormy Wednesday.

What impressed me at once about Amanda was her presentation. She seemed to know exactly what songs to play to brighten up one’s mood.

And I always love deejays who are able to transcend themselves beyond the studio’s glass bubble.

Amanda tried her best to do this by keeping in touch with what was going on in our lives as listeners at that moment.

Her selections from Janet Jackson, Madonna and Guns ‘n’ Roses were exactly what the doctor ordered to momentarily take my mind off my frustrations on the roads.

I also relished the fact that Amanda spoke little, and sometimes not at all, during the first part of her show.

Sometimes this is exactly what some of us want in order to be able to sit back and enjoy the music without interruption.

Others may not like long song stretches as much. For them, Amanda’s style may be boring.

If you prefer interviews, Amanda has those too. CAPITAL Drive interviews celebrities at the end of every week.

Amanda will interview Kavita Kaur, the beauty queen and Malaysian film producer this week. Showtime is on Friday at 5.30pm.

CAPITAL fm is operated by ISY Holdings in Kuala Lumpur. It can presently be heard only in the Klang Valley on FM88.90MHz.

Also, I must mention the terrific show I heard on The Star’s REDfm on June 9.

The Red Breakfast’s Shaz and Will were truly in their element when they interviewed representatives from well-known charities Mercy Malaysia and World Vision.

The almost 60-minutes talk with the expert guests educated us all on how to make our donations truly count for the people we are trying to help – such as during the recent China earthquake and Myanmar cyclone.

The segment covered virtually everything that listeners ought to know about donating to charitable causes.

Will and Shaz asked all the right questions and kept the language simple and lively for everyone.

Note: This article was under the Top 4 of "The Most Emailed" and at No 6 on "The Most Viewed" of The Star.

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