Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Game Creator and more

Wednesday April 9, 2008

Game creator and more


Rush hour morning listeners who tuned in to Red Breakfast show on Red FM were treated to some interesting guests and curious topics last week.

The FM station operated by The Star conducted an interview on Friday with Shane Walters, one of the creators of the Lara Croft Tomb Raider game.

Then it was the turn for two stress management foreign professors in the studio to share some of their insights into how one could effectively de-stress oneself from modern day stress factors such as those caused by Facebook and TV show American Idol.

“Sexy pharmacists” was the morning chat topic on Thursday on the weekdays show aired from 6am to 10am.

Local celebrities Harith Iskander and Ida Nerina played temporary hosts on Wednesday in a segment of the Red Breakfast with regulars Will and Shaz.

The start of the weekday on Monday featured wedding company DreamWorks’ specialists giving out ideas to listeners on how to plan their dream wedding for just under RM10,000.

However, Tuesday was really the highlight of the week. Astrologer Madam Zorra who could foretell the future simply by reading people’s faces and their birth dates helped to dispel any dark clouds in the lives of listeners that morning.

Red FM invited them to e-mail or SMS in their birth dates – including a picture of themselves if they could – so that Madam Zorra could reveal some of their secrets on the live broadcast.

A pretty risky thing, if you ask me. However, Shaz sportingly not only offered to have her predictions read on the air, but also asked Zorra to read her children’s future as well.

A foreigner listening in from Italy via the Internet also sent in his picture and birthday details to Zorra who promptly read out his predictions to him.

As for Shaz, all I can recall Zorra saying about the deejay was that she is a “volatile” and “difficult to handle” person.

Nonetheless, Red FM did good with Madam Zorra who captivated listeners.

Let’s hope that this can become a regular feature on the radio station to make our mornings interesting.

Madam Zorra, by the way, was also an excellent speaker and not microphone-shy at all.

Tuesday also happened to be April Fool’s day. I was tuned in from dawn hoping to hear some pranks for the day – or at least stories about it – on our broadcasters but there was nothing on it.

Apart from the usual pranks played by’s JJ and Rudy in their Gotcha segments, there was nothing done specifically for April 1.

Having said that, however, one of the Gotcha segments was truly hilarious.

One of the announcers rang up a divorce lawyer and pretended that he was having a fight with his wife at home at that very moment, with the sound of glass breaking in the background.

The special-effects was created by one of the Morning Crew deejays. The announcer on the telephone with the lawyer did some great acting on his part. As for the lawyer, he was amazingly cool throughout the conversation.

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