Wednesday, 16 April 2008


It's very encouraging that local radio stations are showing concern and responsibility by airing programmes related to health issues. Programmes on health and disability dominated the airwaves on at least two radio stations last week.

World Parkinson’s Day (WPD) on April 11 was a major highlight on the Bernama News Agency’s radio station, Radio24. The round-the-clock broadcaster from Kuala Lumpur featured a live interview with neurologist Dr Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim last Wednesday.

Celebrity health and fitness expert Kevin Zahri revealed interesting tips on ERA FM.

Aired for two hours from 8pm, the doctor spoke at length about the medical aspects of the disease. Parkinson’s disease (PD), incidentally, is a progressive and degenerative condition of the nervous system. Her talk was conducted in Bahasa Malaysia.

Whilst the programme did its part to raise some public awareness about PD, I thought that there was too much focus on the disease and its negative effects. My concern was that some of the cold medical facts that were disclosed on the show might have unwittingly frightened away some listeners.

But Radio24 had more up its sleeve. Things were much better the next day, when the station conducted another live interview with a PD patient and caregiver. The speakers were from the top brass of the Malaysian Parkinson Disease Association in Kuala Lumpur (MPDA).

The studio guests spoke candidly about their real life experiences. Their ultimate message: There is life after Parkinson’s!

Earlier in the morning for WPD, Radio24’s correspondent Tan Su Lin presented an excellent and timely pre-recorded report on PD and what it was all about. The brief segment lasted about five minutes. It featured audio clips from the same guest neurologist and Sara Lew, president of the 14-year old MPDA.

Meanwhile, celebrity health and fitness expert Kevin Zahri was ERA FM’s live guest for World Health Day on April 7. The author of Fitness 24/7 engaged listeners on the Airtime Management and Programming’s BM broadcaster at 8.30am – a most opportune moment to catch rush hour audiences.

Also joined by ERA’s announcers Nana, Kieran and Adi on the Pagi@ERA show, Kevin revealed interesting tips on how listeners could effectively manage their health and fitness to suit our Malaysian lifestyles.

Touching on favourite foods such as nasi lemak and teh tarik, for instance, the health and fitness adviser pointed out that our love for such food and drinks should not serve as an excuse for anyone for not keeping healthy and fit. The morning discussion with Kevin on Pagi@Era proved to be a lively and fun topic for everyone.

Here are a couple of great tips that Kevin offered to listeners on how not only to keep their tummies trim, but also to help keep one awake and alert all day.

  • Rice – As a general rule, the ideal serving should be the size of one’s fist regardless of the size of the person.
  • Stairs – Use them in place of lifts. It always makes a difference!
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